Friday, April 24, 2009

Eduardo Kac was born in 1962 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil began his artistic career as a traditional performance artist but eventually moved on to investigate technology artistically through an exploration of poetry. After becoming dissatisfied with the uni-dimensionality of the printed word, Kac turned to holography. In 1983, he coined the term "holopoetry" to describe his three-dimensional floating texts at which point he began an intense relationship between artistic practice and the possibilities of technology. Throughout the years he has continued to push the boundaries that lie between networks and telecommunications as well as biological technology and art.His transgenic works dating back to 1998 include pieces where rabbits, fish, plants and mice glow in the dark not because they are virtual or digital but because they are genetically engineered to do so. To this day he continues to not only make a social commentary on where technology is taking society but also create dynamic and interesting pieces that leverage his performance arts background and combine it with present day technology.

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